September Wellness Challenge: Adopt a Growth Mindset


A new month, a new Wellness Challenge, friends! This month, we’re working on mindset. But first, let’s recap August’s challenge. As always, let us know how it’s going here in the comments or on Twitter and LinkedIn.

August’s Challenge: Commit to three new routines that reinforce priorities or fill your tank
Last month we challenged you to establish and commit to at least three new routines that reinforce neglected priorities and/or fill your tank. The CEEK Team focused on forming and renewing habits related to exercise and healthy eating, sleep, mindfulness and meditation, reading, working less in the evening, and planning ahead. We had mixed results due to schedules, vacations, and back-to-school; however, we all appreciated the spirit of the challenge and look forward to getting back to it this fall.

September’s Challenge: Be the best at your game by adopting a growth mindset
For many, this past weekend marked the beginning of college football season. I am amazed as I watch the highlights from the weekend to see athletes making incredible plays. A lot goes into their success at that first game and throughout the season. While physical strength and endurance are definitely necessary to prepare them, mindset is equally important.

Adopting a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset separates these players from others. Imagine a college football kicker just missed the first field goal from 45 yards away. Internally, he feels like he let his team down. Which scenario below demonstrates a growth mindset?

  • Scenario 1: His mind chatter is saying things like, “I rarely am able to kick a field goal from more than 40 yards out. I will never be able to kick a field goal that far out in a game.”
  • Scenario 2: His mind chatter is saying things like, “That field goal attempt definitely pushed my ability. With more practice and some additional strength training, I believe I can make that field goal from 45 yards out and even further.”

Can you guess which of the scenarios above demonstrates a growth mindset? The second scenario, of course. Do you see how having that growth mindset gives the kicker something to work towards versus Scenario 1 which makes it feel impossible? That is the difference between a fixed and growth mindset. At work, it might look like getting feedback from your manager on how to make improvements to your work and taking your mind chatter from “I am not good at my job” to “I am thankful for this feedback and think I can incorporate some changes to improve.” At home, it could be that after you just caught yourself yelling at your kids, you switch your mind chatter from “I am an awful parent” to “I don’t like it when I yell at my kids and know I have other parenting techniques that work better.”

For the month of September, try the following:

  • Identify at least one area where you regularly employ a fixed mindset. Write down the fixed mindset and the self-talk that accompanies it.
  • Then, write down a growth mindset alternative and the self-talk that accompanies that new mindset. How does this growth mindset serve you?
  • Continue identifying fixed mindset areas and find more productive growth mindsets.

Challenge yourself this month to be the best at your game by adopting a growth mindset. In doing so, you might just find this season is more productive and fulfilling than you could have imagined!