Navigate Chaos – Coming Soon!


Twelve years ago, I embarked on a journey that began with a crash—quite literally. Though I didn’t know it at the time, that event set me on a path from disengagement and despair, through discovery, to a place a balance and peace.

Are you overwhelmed by the chaos of life? Do your priorities often fall prey to the daily grind? Do you lack balance?

I’ve been there.

And I found a way out.

I learned to navigate the chaos and I am excited to share my journey and proven approach to pursuing healthy life balance with you in my new book, Navigate Chaos, available on Amazon on October 10. I’ll be posting highlights here on the blog in the weeks leading to the book’s release, so check back often. You’ll discover what took me more than a decade to learn:

  • Professional success and personal fulfillment aren’t mutually ex­clusive.
  • Intentional efforts to manage the ten­sion of life balance will enhance your pro­ductivity and fulfillment.
  • Five steps can help you bal­ance work, family, and other life pri­orities.

Through intentional pursuit of healthy life balance, you can discover a new-found peace that frees you from fear, anxiety, and stress. More importantly, you can live an inspired and productive life, without regret.

To celebrate, and encourage you to seek a better way, we will offer the book at half price for anyone who orders it on October 10—its first available day. Mark your calendars and check back often! We’ll be posting updates here and on LinkedIn and Twitter. I encourage you to join the conversation and “CEEK a Better Way” in your pursuit of healthy life balance.