June Wellness Challenge: Positive Disposition


A new month, a new Wellness Challenge, friends! This month, we’re working on positive dispositions. But first, let’s recap May’s challenge. As always, let us know how it’s going here in the comments or on Twitter and LinkedIn.

May: Water
Last month, we challenged you to find new, creative ways to increase your water intake. The CEEK team found that extra water consumption had us (ahem) hopping up from our desks more often, slightly increasing our overall activity during the day and giving us more of our doctor-recommended screen breaks. More hydration, more activity, improved eye hygiene—wins all around!

June’s Challenge: We challenge you to choose a positive disposition
How much time, energy, and emotional capital do you exhaust by worrying? Do you tend to focus on potential negative circumstances at the expense of the positive? Pessimists take worry and negativity to incredible heights. They habitually see or anticipate the worst. In contrast, an optimist takes a favorable view of events or conditions and expects the most favorable outcome.

A persistent tendency toward worry and negativity is self-perpetuating. Psychologists refer to this as confirmation bias, or an impulse to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions or general mood. If you are impatient or angry, you will find things or circumstances to justify your impatience or anger. If you feel that you are unworthy or treated unfairly, you will discover evidence to promote your theory.

Fortunately, confirmation bias isn’t a theory that only serves to reinforce a negative disposition. If you believe you’re fulfilled and happy, you’ll be quick to discover the circumstances that reinforce this narrative. If you accept that which you can’t control and believe you can resolve that which you can control, you will be more productive and fulfilled. Research has shown that optimism promotes enhanced psychological health, via lower levels of anxiety, depression, and general distress. Furthermore, a positive disposition has been linked to enhanced recovery from illness and disease as well as general productivity and success.

We challenge you this month to choose a positive disposition. Identify a person, place, or circumstance that typically generates worry, stress, or a negative reaction. Specify and practice an alternative, more positive mindset and associated response. Commit to and practice this response for the remainder of the month. Watch how confirmation bias kicks in. Embrace an optimistic disposition and…CEEK a Better Way®!