Family Stories Month


This month, we challenge you to capture and share your organization’s story. November is Family Stories Month. Research shows that family storytelling helps children feel connected to important people in their lives and creates a sense of belonging. Stories also help individuals shape and define themselves. The stories we tell help us understand our past, frame our present reality, and choose our future.

CEEK contends that stories are just as important in organizations as they are in families. Charts and graphs are necessary tools that help us rationally think about business at hand, but to lead and inspire—you need a story. How does your organization define its story? And how well have you shared that story with the world? Take November to capture and share your organization’s story.

How to Tell Your Organization’s Story

  1. Start with your audience. Stories are written for people and about people. Who are you talking to? What do they need to hear that you can offer them? What details will remain with them when the story is finished?
  2. Choose a message. Where does what you offer meet your audience’s need? That meeting point is your story. What do you want your audience to do, think, or feel?
  3. Make it personal and audience centered. Be open to vulnerability and create a connection without overwhelming the story. Audiences want to see themselves reflected in your story.
  4. Keep it simple. Choose details that resonate with your audience to help them remember your message.
  5. Customize for your channels. What channels do you use to share your story? Keep the message consistent across channels, but vary your methods to make the best use of each.

Has your organization defined its story? How have you shared it with the world? Embrace Family Stories Month and our challenge to capture and share your organization’s story. (You can learn more about CEEK’s story as an example.) Visit our website to learn more about how CEEK can help your team share your organization’s story through Culture-based Marketing. We can help you CEEK a Better WayÒ.