CEEK Balance Workshop


Reminder: There are six days left to register at a discounted rate (25% off)! Join us for this progressive series of seven, two-hour workshops to take back control of your personal and professional life.

Based on his best-selling book Navigate Chaos, Steve Wiley will lead you and your colleagues through a simple, yet effective 5-step process to balance work, family, and other life priorities. You will discover new and creative ways to reinforce the priorities in your life and be given the opportunity to test such concepts between each workshop session. Leveraging the shared experiences of colleagues and a renewed mindset, you will discover a realistic path to personal fulfillment, professional success, and general PEACE. Register now to take back control of your life.

What’s Included:

  • Facilitated Sessions led by the author of Navigate Chaos
  • Two free Life Balance Assessments
  • Peer collaboration between sessions
  • Life Balance Workbooks
  • Personal journals and pens
  • Lunch and drink options at all sessions

Sessions & Dates

Sessions begin Friday, January 18, 2019 and will be held every third Friday until May 24, 2019. Each workshop will run from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.

  • Session 1 – Build Awareness (January 18, 2019)
  • Session 2 – Pursue ‘A’ Mission (February 8, 2019)
  • Session 3 – Establish Routines (March 1, 2019)
  • Session 4 – Appreciate the Moment (March 22, 2019)
  • Session 5 – Choose Your Disposition (April 12, 2019)
  • Session 6 – Embrace a Broader Integrity (May 3, 2019)
  • Session 7 – Discover PEACE (May 24, 2019)

Total Cost
Before December 18, 2018: $299
After December 18, 2018: $399

All you have to do is show up, be present, and CEEK a Better Way!